Saturday, August 22, 2009

Will it survive?

Ever see David Letterman's segment 'will it float?'... they take strange, random objects and toss them in water and see if they float. There's also a YouTube spinoff of this called 'will it blend?', where they take random objects and put them in an industrial blender.

Well, here, we play a game called 'will it survive?' Not that we intentionally put anything in harms way, but often there are those moments when something goes wrong. For instance...

An infection sets in a creates a bulb the size of a tumor on a chickens face that does not respond to antibiotics. Will it survive? (yes... she's strange looking, but fine.)

A chicken runs away and spends 48 hours living in the woods with coyotes. Will it survive? (she sure did!)

A chicken is caught and squashed by the dog but is rescued without outward trauma. Will it survive? (no... it didn't.)

A baby chicken is accidentally doused right in the face with organic pesticide. Will it survive? (yup!)

The 'cold' spreads to the baby chickens and 3 of the 10 have it so bad their eyes are crusted shut and can't see at all. Will they survive? (unknown.)

I've been flushing the crusted eyes with warm water and wiping them and trying to get them open enough so they can see... I worry that if they can't see they'll just lay around and get dehydrated. I also gave the really bad ones a tiny tiny shot of tetracycline.

Still no eggs. Three of the larger flock have all the signs of being ready to lay. Their faces are red, their combs are large... just no eggs. Not that I don't go out there and look three times a day.

1 comment:

  1. BTW, only laughing at the three times a day, certainly not at the survival challenge.
