Sunday, August 23, 2009

Infectious Coryza

We have a diagnosis for the chickens. I am 100% positive we know what the 'cold' is. It's called Infectious Coryza. In mild forms it causes some sneezing and in severe forms it causes massive sinus and eyelid swelling. Luckily, in the large birds, only Two-Face got hit severely. Now the babies have it and 3 of the 10 are on the 'severe' boat. Bad news is, Coryza causes a drop in egg production and beginning of laying, so that's most likely why we still don't have eggs. The good news is that it's only transmitted from chicken to chicken, so wild birds, humans, and other animals are unaffected, and it isn't transmitted from chicken to egg.

Good news: Two-Face's eye is opening! I never thought it would happen! I actually saw her, and then thought maybe it was another bird getting sicker and not her getting better because it was such a big difference. I ran around and checked all the other birds that looked like her just to be sure.

Go little immune systems, go!

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