Monday, June 28, 2010

Blue eggs and strawberries

Blue egg! We're getting about 4 eggs a day now. This is our first blue egg! Hopefully more will come quickly!

Our strawberry plants are putting out huge amounts of runners! I dug up a bunch and potted them. I had no idea how wild these would go. The runners are these long tentacles that produce other baby plants. Some of the runners made babies that made runners and other babies. One of the pics below is a double runner... a baby making a baby. The other pic is my giant bowl of runners. We'll try to keep the plants alive until the spring and replant them in another bed.

And lastly, just for fun, a couple of pics of Roger and I at the 'Taste of Bloomington' is which a food festival here in town. All the restaurants in town set up booths and sell $2 dishes. So you can go to like, 5 booths over the course of the evening and taste a bunch of food. We ate a lot.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New poll to the right ---->

The risk of pressure canning... Please comment below. Have you ever used one? Weights or gauge? Have you ever had something blow up? Have any great recipes to share? Pros and cons of canning vs. freezing?

Friday, June 18, 2010


Huge storms blew through last weekend. We had a couple tornadoes in the area. I went outside to watch it blow in, and saw the rotating cloud and ran back inside to get the camera.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


We planted a large strawberry patch early spring and it has begin to give us strawberries! They are so so good. The plants are sending out tons of 'runners', which are thin vines that make new plants. We're going to pot the new baby plants after their roots get established so we can double our patch. If we had thought this through, we would have just started with a much large patch and spaced the plants really far apart. But we didn't, so there's a bit more work involved. Also: greens, spinach, and romaine lettuce.

Foster Dog Dash has gone back to the shelter. He was way too much of a puppy for us. I took him to the dog park every day after work and he ran and swam and tired out every other dog at the park and still managed to come back to the house and go wild. Dia was so fed up. They did manage to cuddle for about two seconds, so I snapped a picture. I hope Dash gets a home with a jogger or something.