Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sick chicken, and luffas

First, Bill the neighbor is gone for two weeks. He's staying at his daughter's, who is on vacation with her husband and kids. Bill is taking care of their dog. He's been gone for about three days now, and Dia keeps going over to his back porch and looking for him. When we go outside and let her out of the yard she runs right into his yard. She misses pancakes. This is a picture of her in his yard looking around for him.

We have a luffa that is getting large! Luffa sponges (the kind you buy to use in the shower) are dried luffa vegetable with the skin peeled off. We're trying our hand at a couple plants this year.

And we have a sick chicken. We actually have several sick chickens, but they are all mostly just sneezy and congested, but this one really got hit over the head with the sick stick. We're calling her 'two face' for reasons that are about to become apparent.

Left side:

Right side:

Front on:

And lastly, to wash the 'ick' out of your own eyes for viewing our sick chicken, a picture of one of our sunflowers.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing photo of the butterfly and sunflower - thank you for taking the ick out of my eyes:) Poor chicken. Poor Dia, no pancakes. The loofas are very cool...never seen one on the vine.
