Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're back!

We're back from vacation and our garden has exploded! Notice in the pics below that the tomato plant is taller than Roger.

The yellow squash in the picture is actually yellow zucchini. We are drowning in zucchini. The people who watched our chickens while we were gone took five, and we still have lots when we came back. I tried a new recipe for zucchini, that is basically fried zucchini cakes. It was really good. Here's the recipe:

1 large grated zucchini
1 cup bread crumbs
half cup Parmesan cheese
1 egg
chopped garlic
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp pepper
form into patties and fry in olive oil

We had lots of very large turnips. Unfortunately, we didn't know that turnips like cold weather. The turnips are very very bitter. Any advice for super bitter turnips is welcome.


  1. There are also lots of great zucchini bread recipes - my mom used to make it all the time - it's a sweet bread. Let me tell one and all that Chelsea makes one great rhubarb pie - have not tasted one that good in many years. Glad you guys are home safe and sound and the garden looks like it will keep you busy for awhile. Still hot here and getting in lots of pool volleyball with Joyce and Steven.

  2. Chels - is that a swan gourd in the last garden picture, or a birdhouse gourd or whatever they're called? I dried a whole bunch of those over one winter - they are easy to dry up here - throw 'em out on the porch and let them winter through all the weather. It's strange. It worked. Now ready to paint!
    Glad the blog is back up - and that you had such a great time on your visit 'up east'. Look forward to seeing you soon.
