Sunday, February 21, 2010

New camera!

We have a new camera! The old one broke... it was about 5 years old, so I guess it was time. The new one is very much like the old one, but it has some newer, cool features. Our old camera was 5 mega pixels, which was good for it's time, but this one has 12 and is about standard for the times now. It also has some anti-blurring stuff and other fun things to play with. Good price too... $100. The last one was $250. Reminds me of the time I bought Roger a 1 gig flash drive for $70 at a black Friday sale and now they're $10.

Check out the video at the end... I think it's clearer than the old ones.


  1. No way, Chels! $100 for that camera? Please tell what kind exactly (there are so many variations). There are things I really want to video of Corky before he's gone.
    Best camera I ever had - and am still using (belive it or not) is the big Sony that used 3.5 disks (but luckily also has a memory stick. The same memory stick has been used all these got it in high school and passed it on if I remember correctly. I've had newer ones, but they just don't work as well for quality.
    Okay - about the chicks (got distracted) - in the middle still photo = the two babies in the middle, one reddish, one more brown - are those the ones I liked when they first arrived? I asked for pics along the way about them and what they developed into...but I don't remember what it was was the only round, fat baby chick.
    Locally there was a Arjauna (sp) rooster and his favorite hen being given to a good home because the neighbors hated the crowing. They would only give the rooster to someone who would bring his friend hen as well. The rooster was a pet, friendly and good with everyone, etc., and I thought how I wished you were closer. Perhaps you could have adopted them. I don't know how chicken flocks work like that. Is it as bad as introducing a new cat to a homefull of old cats?

  2. Here's a link to the camera:
    It's a kodack easy share 12.3mp. The were also selling a slightly more basic model for $89. I'm not sure if the more basic one has audio... that's something you have to be careful of... many basic cameras will take video but don't have audio with it. They're making them with both AA batteries and rechargable ion batteries. We got the AA version because we have lots of rechargable AAs.

    Um, the little red guy is probably a Rhode Island Red.

    And lastly, yes it is hard to mix flocks for a few reasons. The first being that when chickens get sick and get over it, they still carry the virus with them, so mixing flocks results with the viruses being traded and birds getting sick. Also, if one of the groups is significantly older than the other, the younger ones really get beat up. But some people have good luck with bringing in new birds.

  3. Thank you! Excellent information all around.
