Friday, January 29, 2010

Bathroom remodeling part 1

One of our planned winter projects was to remodel the guest bathroom. It has blue and pink pastel TEXTURED wallpaper, and gold accessories (towel rack, toilet paper holder, facet, etc). It also has MOLD destroying a a piece of drywall next to the shower, where the shower used to leak and instead of fixing it, the previous owners just caulked the shower (shoddily) and wallpapered over the mold.

So here is part one of the work. And let me take this moment to BEG any homeowners out there... please please please do not ever wallpaper anything. Seriously. Anyone who wallpapers should have to remove it themselves.


Ripping down wallpaper: We used hot water, a smidge of fabric softener, and a sponge.

Scrapping off glue. The WORST part by far. Same thing... hot water and a sponge, and a putty knife.

1 comment:

  1. Sending sympathy for the wallpaper removal part. It is by far one of the most tedious and thanksless jobs in any home fixing project.
