Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The end of Agility Class

Dia's agility class ended yesterday with her class competition. This was the first time I had been to her agility class because it coincides with a pilates class I'm taking at the YMCA. I skilled my class to go watch Rog and Dia. Their best time was 31 seconds. Time on the course ranged from 25 seconds to 45 seconds. I took some video. First, the worst, yet cutest dog:

Next, a very cute and distinguished little guy:

And lastly, Dia monster, who had two very good runs and one run where she did pretty poorly because she wanted to stop competing and run over and sit with her mom.

And just to show you what a real agility competition looks like, this was a video taken from nationals:


  1. I have always loved watching the Border Collies do their jumping and agility competitions. However, I have to say that I enjoyed much more watching Dia and friends as there was much more love and applause in the room for those dogs. Chels, loved the videos of the different competitors, Dia was a star, and it's great she wanted to come sit with you after the third run. It's kinda like a little kid performing a dance competition - after awhile they are looking at the audience for Mom and will just leave and go there. Really cute. Dia is so cool, and Roger, keep it up with this dog, you are doing amazing work with her. It looks like great fun.

    Chelsea, there are feral cats in my back yard. At least five all the same orange color. One belongs to someone (collar) the rest are wild. Wisconsin is so overrun with feral cats that they tried to pass a law making it legal to shoot them (as in the constant hunting seasons here). Luckily, that didn't pass, but ferals are so omnipresent that my veterinarian studies them. Many try to be placed, but their boundaries never really give in to domestics. It is like Buster, who even after two years couldn't give up space to Keeper and Corky. He went to a house with no other cats.

    Whether you could actually keep one feral enough for guarding the chickens, and not having that same cat eating the chickens - that's a question for experience only. I cannot imagine it. And just as your Dad said, the cat would move in as soon as he/she needed vet attention, or made friends with Dia, or it got very very cold. Maybe. Good chance.

    There is an interesting invention that I looked into when the ferals were using my garden as their litter box and digging up tomato plants. It's a water scarecrow and fires upon any movement in the area. It's high pressure water, wouldn't do in the winter, but perhaps all through the rest of the year. You can find 'em online - it's an amazing idea to discourage animal activity outside your barn before they get in.

  2. Wow, thanks for the great video - what a difference a couple weeks can make - can tell you're having fun with her Rog - keep up the good work. I just love watching dogs make "work" look like so much fun. You've got a great way to spend time with Dia - enjoy! Yep Chelsea - I'm sure Dia was looking for your approval too!

