Thursday, August 13, 2009

Roger makes a path, large produce prizes

Roger has mowed us a path back to the end of the property. He then mowed a large area under a tree and dug a fire pit. We have chairs and tiki torches out there now. It's the best place in all of Indiana to sit, I swear.

We are drying tomatoes from the garden, tiny apples from the neighbor's trees, and chili's to make crushed pepper.

We also have some really large produce! I took pictures of these... a huge pink tomato and chili and jalepeno peppers.


  1. That's an awesome firepit, wow what fun this fall. Roger, cool.
    What kind of dehydrator are you using? If I were to get one, is this the one you'd recommend?

  2. It's a Ronco 5 tray convection dehydrator. Basically, it's the dehydrator with no frills. Drying time takes much longer than fan dehydrators (2 days for tomatoes and apples) and you can't control the heat so you have to keep moving the trays to make sure the bottom one doesn't burn (I burned some tomatoes last night... instead of the nice leathery texture they got blackish and brittle). Also have to turn the trays to make sure they get equal heat every few hours. But yes, it's been very useful and as long as you are vigilent about tending to it it's great. Although I wouldn't recommend trying to make jerky... it would probably mold before drying. This particular model is sold at Wal-Mart and Target.
