Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dia has a friend

So Dia has been packing on some pounds. She's getting rounder. We think she's wandered into 'overweight' zone. We've cut her food back half a cup for two weeks now and haven't been giving her treats. No visible results. Today we discovered why.

While we're at work, she lets herself out of the backyard by opening the gate. She then goes over to our neighbor's house, where she sits with him and he feeds her. She goes back in the backyard before we get home. Apparently, this is a ritual they've had for a long time now.

We have corn! It's really great: fat and sweet. You can eat it raw and it's so good.

We also have a bumper crop of banana peppers. We've responded to this by stuffing them with a cream cheese and hot sausage mix. Goood stuff.

I canned seven cans of pickles today. Two quarts and four pints of lime pickles.


  1. Hahahahahaha to the headdesk and Dia having a life while you are at work. Good thing she's spayed, huh....or that weight would really be a challenge. :O)

  2. hahahahahahaha love the Dia story. Surely you didn't tell Bill to stop feeding her? I bet that would make him sad.

    I tried calling you today but I know you're at work. I'll call you later tonight.

  3. Of course we asked him to stop feeding her! We don't want a fat dog with hip and heart problems who begs for people food!

    We're going to take him some little dog treats to give her.
