Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chickens came today!

This morning I woke up to a phone call from the post office... the baby chicks had arrived! I went to pick them up and every one of them had arrived safely! I took them out and put them in the brooder one by one after showing them how to drink. They then spent the next hour or so sucking down the water and food. We have:
15 Cornish X Rocks (meat birds)
5 Black Star (layers)
3 Americanas (layers of blue eggs)
2 Australorps (both layers and meat birds, but these two will be layers)
1 mystery bird (the send a 'rare bird' with your order)

In other news, Roger spend most of the day cleaning out the barn. The barn is an absolute disaster and he made HUGE strides in getting it cleaned out. I finished making the chicken coop in the lean-to. The birds will be able to go into the barn in a couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe they send chicks in the mail. Nice blog. I like to see the progress.

