Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today we went to a greenhouse and bought 8 Holly bushes. Our plan is to plant a wall of shrubs along the street to block the noise from the street. The bushes are very small and won't get big enough to create a hedge for a few years, but we've got a good start. We're going to need about 14 shrubs 5 feet apart to get all the way across the front. However, we could only fit eight in my car. And it turned out to benefit us because as I was walking into Kroger to get some dinner stuff I spotted some sadder looking but very distinct Holly bushes outside. They were $12 a piece, which was significantly cheaper than what we paid at the greenhouse. I snagged three of them and we're going to go back tomorrow and see if they have any left and get another two. I was going to leave them all there tonight but there were only a few and I saw a few people eye-ing them, so I grabbed what would fit in my cart with the food.

In other news, we took the recycling and trash in today. We don't have trash pickup, so we have to pay per bag to throw out trash. We were already extensive recyclers, but with the added motivation of paying per bag, we've really managed to cut down.

This is ten days of garbage and recycling. (Granted, much of the cardboard is packaging from buying stuff for the house, so it's pretty excessive.) All the stuff on the right is recycling and the one white bag on the left is garbage.

And this is a picture of a bloom from a tree in front of the house. Any ideas of what this tree is would be appreciated.

And finally, in last news, we caught a cat in the trap. Apparently we have several either outdoor or wild cats around here. We've seen one short haired orange cat, one fluffy tailless cat, and one small black cat (the one in the trap). It started to freak out when it saw us, but we were able to free it before it hurt itself. We decided to halt the quest for catching the possums. We haven't seen any new digging in the barn, so it's possible we got all the woodchucks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys are really moving! We have 4 Holly shrubs right in front of the house - 2 on each side. They will also grow into massive trees if ya let 'em - Pat's Dad has one that's at least 20' high. Not sure about your tree bud but it sure does look a lot like our Magnolia tree - I've had our pruned twice as it's close to wires. Your recycling to garbage ratio looks pretty positive. Love the pictures - one of these workdays you'll have to have Roger raise his head so we can see his face. Didn't even know you were trapping possums!!!! Be careful if those are wild tomcats as they can get pretty vicious coming out of a trap - I say that from experience! You guys take care - love you're blog.

