Adorable! Please keep posting as they grow, because I remember from the last batch that it was astounding how FAST they changed. I'd particularly like to watch the Rhode Island Red (if that's what it is) and the ones with feathery feet - track their progress, that would be very nice. Love your new box (I can't imagine a German Shepherd puncturing a wading pool :o) Enjoy!
The Helpful Gnome is a small homesteading farm on the west end of Bloomington, Indiana. The Helpful Gnome was purchased on February 26th 2009 and named on March 5th. Currently we have two cats, one dog, twenty five chickens, and two large garden plots. We're interested in living a sustainable and holistic lifestyle.
Adorable! Please keep posting as they grow, because I remember from the last batch that it was astounding how FAST they changed. I'd particularly like to watch the Rhode Island Red (if that's what it is) and the ones with feathery feet - track their progress, that would be very nice. Love your new box (I can't imagine a German Shepherd puncturing a wading pool :o) Enjoy!