Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wasp War

The War with the Wasps was quick and decisive. Wasps: 1, Chelsea: 30+

At sunset (apparently when wasps are sleepy) I donned a thick coat, leather gloves, and a hat and went down to the trash pit with my new can of wasp nest killer. I sprayed the small nest first and dropped about 10 wasps instantly. I had planned on spraying and running, but the spray knocked them out before they were able to launch an offense.

Nest 2 was the particularly nasty one. The cement blocks were stacked 4 high and the nest was down in the first block... so instead of standing the suggested 20 feet away and spraying I had to stand right over the nest and spray down. And I could barely see the nest... it was covered in wasps.

I sprayed and ran a safe distance to see if any would fly up and come after me. They weren't flying, but they started crawling out from the cracks in the cement blocks. One after the other... it was like the March of the Wasps. I just kept spraying them as they came out and they dropped instantly.

I wanted to get a body count, but I was reminded of those horror movies where the victim leans over the bad guy and the bad guy suddenly comes back to life. And the entire audience is yelling, 'Who cares about him? Run for the hills!' So despite my curiosity, I did not lean over the pile of dead and dying wasps to get a body count.


  1. Hey Chelsea - lol. Sure am glad you're getting that done now cause even on these decrepit ankles I think my fight or flight instinct would be in high gear and I'd pass you. Cracked me up with "leaning over the supposed dead guy" - good thinking on your part. Have a great week!

    Hugs to You Both,

  2. My sentiments exactly - good thinking. Spray and get out fast. That high power spray can is one of the best things going in a pest emergency, in my scared to death of wasps opinion.

  3. This is hilariously written! It gave me a great chuckle in my mid - afternoon stupor! I am glad you survived. Most of all, I am amazed at all the work you and Roger are doing. I'll keep reading...
