Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Family visits, Dog has allergies

The first Luffa turned brown so we harvested it. To harvest a luffa, you wait until the vegetable is dead and drying. It's pretty light at this point. Then you cut it off the vine, bang it pretty emphatically on the ground to loosen the skin and seeds, and peel off the skin. Then you can shake out the seeds and set it out to dry.

Roger's dad and brother went to the Lotus Festival with us, which is a huge music festival in Bloomington. There are seven stages playing at once. Unfortunately, it was raining pretty hard, and while the stages were either under big tents or in buildings, one had to walk in the rain to get from venue to venue. Here we are at the very beginning of the festival, waiting for the first show to start. At this point, we are only mildly damp.

And here's a pic of the boys:

And we think Dia has seasonal allergies. She's gotten really itchy the last few weeks. According to my dog books / internet (and the internet doesn't lie, right?) Dogs can take Benadryl. So I gave her a couple Benadryls with dinner and she's conked out right now. The internet says it shouldn't making her tired, but it appears the internet may have fudged the truth a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Benadryl is what the vet prescribed for car sickness in Murphy the Bassett. And it made him sleep. So, I guess it may be a common reaction.
    Glad you're having a great time with family!
